
All About Avocados

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The avocado is a tree that is native to South Central Mexico, classified as a member of the flowering plant family Lauraceae. Avocado additionally refers to the tree's fruit, which is botanically a large berry containing a single seed. Avocados are relatively high in fat and calories (138 calories and 14.1g fat in half a medium-sized avocado). But they’re also one of the best foods you can eat, packed with nutrients and heart-healthy compounds

Nutrient All-Star

Avocados offer nearly 20 vitamins and minerals in every serving, including potassium (which helps control blood pressure ), lutein (which is good for your eyes ), and folate (which is crucial for cell repair and during
Avocados are a good source of B vitamins , which help you fight off disease and infection. They also give you vitamins C and E, plus natural plant chemicals that may help prevent
cancer .
Avocados are low in sugar. And they contain fiber, which helps you feel full longer. In one study, people who added a fresh avocado half to their lunch were less interested in eating during the next three hours.

The Skinny on the Fat and Calories

Avocados are high in fat. But it's monounsaturated fat, which is a "good" fat that helps lower bad cholesterol , as long as you eat them in moderation. Avocados have a lot of calories. The recommended serving size is smaller than you’d expect: 1/5 of a medium avocado (or 1 ounce) is 50 calories.

How to Prepare Avocados

Store avocados at room temperature, keeping in mind that they can take 4 to 5 days to ripen. To speed up the ripening process, put them in a paper bag along with an apple or banana. When the outside skins are black or dark purple and yield to gentle pressure, they’re ready to eat or refrigerate.
Wash them before cutting so dirt and bacteria aren’t transferred from the knife onto the pulp.
While guacamole is arguably the most popular way to eat avocado, you can also puree and toss with pasta, substitute for butter or oil in your favorite baked good recipes, or spread or slice onto sandwiches.

When ordering at a restaurant, remember that not all avocado dishes are created equal. Some items -- like avocado fries and avocado egg rolls -- are coated in batter and fried, making them much higher in both calories and fat.

Allergic to Latex?

If you have a latex allergy , talk to your doctor before adding avocado to your diet. People with a serious allergy to latex may also experience symptoms after eating avocado.

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