
Girls Vs. Boys How They Differ (Amazing)

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#1 The Broken Fingernail

Beyond "his" Rambo pain tolerance. She NOW has to get that nail repaired with a full mani at $40 a pop, plus 1-hour out of her busy schedule. . . while he just reaches for a band aid.

#2 The Car They Drive?

Does it look "purty", and does it work? Never mind about the type, she says..

#3 Packing For Holiday

Packing is quite stressful for gals. . . AND it makes their holiday so much sweeter. Guys? Well, they're always on holiday.

#4 Body Image?

She thinks she looks fatter when she's thin, and he thinks he's Adonis when he's really pot-bellied Brutus. It's no wonder they make a great pair.

#5 Getting Hair Cut & Styled

She goes to the hair salon every 2 months and pays $80 and upwards to look exactly the same, while he visit the barber for $20 and leaves a whole new person. Go figure..

#6 Wearing Just A T-Shirt

Guess, which one of these individuals will be arrested if seen in public like this?

#7 That Hot Girl

Differences? Hint: one gender wouldn't mind if this hot girl were to fall down the stairs, while the other perferred she'd fall into his lap.

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