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Skin Infections Razor Can Give You When Shaving, And How To Avoid And Get Rid Of Them

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Razors, easily available and simple to use, are the most preferred option to get that smooth body. While there are simple hacks to shave your body the right way , not using the right razor might put you at a risk of contracting infections. Want to know which ones, and how to avoid and get rid of them, read on.

Hepatitis: Maintaining personal hygiene is the key to staying healthy. And when it comes to razors, you should wash it properly in hot water before and after every use, and never share it with anyone. Because, sharing razors with a person infected with hepatitis might increase your risk of getting the same.

Staphylococcus infection: Sharing the razors and not using disinfectants after using it also puts you at high risk of getting bacterial infections, most common being staphylococcus infection. A skin infection, it usually manifests as a painful rash or boil (which is mostly mistaken for a razor bump). So be careful while shaving and avoid sharing or using uncleaned razors.

Fungal infection: When your razor remains wet or if you don’t wash it properly post using it, there are high chances that it might harbour microbes that cause fungal or yeast infection. Also, sharing of dirty razors can cause folliculitis or ringworm infection. Hence, make sure to properly clean your razor and dry it after every use to avoid fungal infections. Although these are the common infections, you can also contract various bacterial and viral infections.

The best way to deal with a razor infection is to prevent it in the first place. Several simple methods may prevent or reduce it.

Aim to:
-Clean the skin before shaving (perhaps using an exfoliant scrub)
-Wet the hair and skin before shaving
-Replace your razor blade regularly
-Shave in the direction hair grows
-Gently pat the skin dry after shaving
-Apply a skin moisturizer after shaving (preferably containing emollients or glycerin).Dermatologists suggest replacing a razor blade after five to seven uses.

How to Get Rid of Razor infection

One foolproof remedy for razor burn and bumps is simply to stop shaving. For people who feel social pressure or have other reasons to shave, the following remedies may help: (You can also read: How To Get Rid Of Razor Burn Faster)
Shave less often, perhaps two or three times a week
-Use chemical depilatories instead of shaving
-Use an electric shaver
-Don't try to get a close shave
-Consider electrolysis or laser hair removal
-Post-shave lotions containing niacinamide may reduce moisture loss, chapping, red skin, and other symptoms of razor burn.

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