Chocolate is experiencing a medical renaissance of late. Over the past several years, numerous medical studies have demonstrated that people who ate chocolate regularly experienced health benefits.
Top 5 health reasons to take a bite of chocolate
1. Chocolate can make
you a genius
2. Chocolate can help
you do better math
3. Chocolate boosts
your heart health
Healthy chocolate eating guidelines
When given the choice, dark chocolate always comes out on top. Not only is it a more potent source of antioxidants, it is lower in calories, has a more favorable glycemic index and is higher in fiber.
How much is too much? Although controversial, a safe bet is to stick to about half an ounce per day of chocolate (a little more than a chocolate square). Although a healthy treat, it still contains a fair amount of fat and sugar. A single serving also has a little caffeine, about 5 to 10 percent of the amount of a cup of drip coffee.
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