
Health Benefits of Kissing. Number 4 Is Shocking

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  Kissing helps to dilate your blood vessels, which may help lower your blood pressure.  Relieve Cramps and Headaches The blood-vessel-dilation effect described above also helps to relieve pain, particularly from headache or menstrual cramps.  Fight Cavities

When you kiss, saliva production increases in your mouth, and this helps to wash away plaque on your teeth that may lead to cavities.  
Release Your Happy Hormones Kissing prompts your brain to release a happy elixir of feel-good chemicals like serotonin, dopamine, and oxytocin. This isn’t only important for your happiness, it also may also help to strengthen your relationship  Burn Calories It’s not going to replace your workout session… but a vigorous kiss may burn 8-16 calories. Not too shabby for a kiss.

Tone Your Facial Muscles A vigorous kiss helps you shape up your neck and jawline by working out a number of facial muscles.

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