
Dangers Of Sleep Deprivation

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Ignoring bed time might actually be thought to be a normal thing to do, a late night here and there is not a real matter of concern, but when it becomes regular every night, it should be regarded as a real problem.
Sleep is very good for our body and a lack of it can lead to sleep deprivation, which will affect our physical and mental health, if not addressed it can lead to chronic health problem and will negatively impact our life.
It is ideal for an adult to get up to 7 to 9 hours of sleep but however, this duration varies on genetic and physiological factors. Age, sex and sleeping patterns are also important factors that need to be considered. Here are the side effects of not getting enough sleep.

  1. AFFECTS YOUR BRAIN AND MEMORY : Lack of sleep affects one's attention, alertness, concentration, reasoning and problem solving, this in turn affects one's learning capacity and can negatively affect both short and long term memory. A sleepless night surely brings about difficulty with concentration and focus the next day. For your brain to function properly, get enough sleep. 
  2. HARMS THE HEART : Proper rest and sleep are essential for your heart health. Sleep deprivation puts you at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease —regardless of age, weight, smoking and exercise habits. At the same time, too much sleep also results in poor heart health.Looking at how sleep deprivation affects your heart, it’s very obvious that sleeping less than 6 hours a night is definitely not good.
  3. WEAKENS IMMUNITY :When you sleep, your immune system releases proteins called cytokines and other infection-fighting antibodies that protect your body against an infection or inflammation.Sleep deprivation leads to reduced production of cytokines, which in turn reduces your body’s ability to respond to colds or bacterial infections. When the immune system is not functioning properly, your body becomes susceptible to attacks by virus and bacteria and you have to deal with more sick days.
  4. DEPRESSION : People diagnosed with depression are more likely to sleep less than 6 hours at night. In fact, insomnia is often one of the first symptoms of depression. Sleep deprivation leads to significant alterations in brain neurotransmitter functioning, which is one of the reasons behind depression. At times, depression can also impact a person’s ability to fall asleep. If you are suffering from depression and having trouble sleeping well, be sure to talk with your doctor about it. It may actually be contributing to your condition. 
  5. Raises the Risk of Diabetes : Long-term sleep deprivation, and even getting too much sleep, raises your risk of developing chronic diseases, including diabetes. A sleep duration of 6 hours or less, or 9 hours or more, is associated with increased prevalence of diabetes mellitus and impaired glucose intolerance. Your body’s reaction to sleep deprivation is similiar to insulin resistance (when cells fail to use the blood glucose regulating hormone insulin efficiently), a precursor to diabetes. Plus, insufficient sleep is linked to weight gain , which is a potential risk factor for diabetes.

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