
Foods That Worsens Psoriasis

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Psoriasis is a type of autoimmune disease that manifests itself as a skin disease. It is of 3 types, the mild(when it covers less than 3 percent of the body), modetate(covers between 3 to 10 percent less, and severe(covers more than 10 percent of the body).  When it's symptoms arises, it should be noted that the food causing it should be avoided as it can aggravate the situation and make it worse. Psoriasis can lead to depression and anxiety and can even lead to the thought of committing suicide.
Psoriasis affects the immune system which comes from the body's T cell. The function of the T cell is to protect the human body from any disease and infection. When psoriasis sets in, the Tcells becomes active and this activeness sets off other immune response. Diet that triggers psoriasis are listed below so as to understand your dietary requirements, what you can eat, and what you ought not to.

Although, there are still doubts about gluten and yeast whether they cause psoriasis, research however suggests otherwise that people who suffer from celiac disease may also suffer from psoriasis. So a gluten free diet is recommended for these people, as it could lead to better symptoms. Yeast has also been suggested as another food causing psoriasis as some patients feel yeast Worsens the psoriasis situation.

Psoriasis is a disease of inflammation, red meat are known to be fatty which can cause inflammation. Foods that are anti-inflammatory in nature helps in controlling the symptoms of psoriasis. People suffering from psoriasis might not necessarily find themselves directly affected, but red meat may cause higher risk of heart diseases.

Since diary can cause inflammation and inflammation increases the chances of psoriasis, it is advisable not to consume it. It would be better to reduce the consumption of  whole milk, full fat cheese and take low fat diary in its stead. Among all harmful foods that causes psoriasis, it is safe to say that the ones causing inflammation should be avoided at all costs.

As it is generally known that junk food should be avoided by everyone irrespective of the type of ailment, it is also true for psoriasis patients. Junk foods are high in saturated and trans-fat, full of refined starches and sugars, high in calories and have low nutritional value, which can promote inflammation.
There is always an increased risk of heart and cardiovascular disease, meaning quitting junk foods would be a great step forward. Alcohol must also be avoided at all costs.

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