
Anti Success Symptoms That Limits Our Progress In Life.

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Success is the achievement of something you have been trying to do , it takes so many things to succeed in one's life .Laboring to be successful in life have been misinterpreted by so many people to suit their lifestyle , which have led people to commit so many atrocities like killing all in the name of hard work .BELOW ARE SOME OF THE ANTI SUCCESS SYMPTOMS...

ENVIRONMENT : The environment we find ourselves sometimes tells how our future will look like .Many dreams have been killed today due to the environment we are into . Where you stay matters a lot in life . Learn to stay in a place that will help you to build your career rather than staying in a place that will kill it .

THE OPINION OF OTHERS : I will like to ask you this simple question 'WHO ARE YOUR FRIENDS ? WHAT VALUES DO THEY ADD TO YOUR LIFE ?. So many people have failed to attain to a greater height in life due to the opinion of their friends , not because they are not hardworking , but because of the opinion of people around them.The devil uses those closer to us , whose opinion we value , to destroy our destiny. Learn to seek the opinion of people that have great hunger for success.

PROCRASTINATION : The saying of 'I WILL'. Leaving things you should do until later time , maybe because you do not want to do them . Majority of people live by the word 'I WILL' . And it will be there for days and from days to months which then leads to years. Success cannot be accomplished without self discipline.

FEAR : Like the saying ' He who fears to try will never know what he would have accomplished . Fear is one of the strong tools that limit our success in life .It is dwelling on things that would go wrong instead of things that would go right .For you to succeed in life , you must try to overcome the fear in you by every possible means.

PAST FAILURE : Failure provides another opportunity to enjoy success . You cannot be successful in life if you have not encountered some difficulties along the line .And how you handle such situations is what differentiates you from others.Past failure is never a reason to stop trying As success can't be accomplished at first trial . Remember that it is better to try and fail than never to try at all.

PRIDE : A feeling of satisfaction or pleasure that pone gets from doing something well . You are satisfied because of the great task you accomplished today but there is no limit to satisfaction if you want to go far in life . It is a continuous journey which you will be moving day by day.

DISTRACTIONS : It is one of the major tools that brings setback in life of people. It is hard to overcome but if you overcome it , success will be knocking at your door . Human beings are being faced with so many distractions in life ranging from friends , family and work place and these distractions ends up putting the person in confusion . Every thing can be permissible for me but not all of them is beneficial. Learn to always do things that will add value to your life......

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