
Amazing Importance Of Eggshells

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Egg ’s shell is a natural source of minerals and contains 90 % calcium. Calcium is easily absorbed by our body because its chemical composition is almost identical to human ’s teeth and bones .
If consumed in larger amounts , calcium will not only get rid of lack of calcium- symptoms, but it will also prevent osteoporosis ’ development, stimulate the bone marrow in producing blood cells and help when it comes to treating high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure .
Egg shell also contains iron , zinc , copper , manganese , fluorine , phosphorus, chromium and molybdenum. Therefore, many experts recommend shell eggs as a natural and very effective calcium supplement .
You may be wondering how eggshells can be incorporated in your diet. Well, the answer to that is fairly easy. You simply have to thoroughly wash those eggshells under running water. Then you have to bring them to a boil for about 5 minutes in order to ensure that microbes present are all killed off. Allow the eggshells to dry completely, place them in your coffee grinder and grind away until you end up with finely powdered eggshells.
Once they are in powder form, eggshells can be easily incorporated in your diet. For this part, you can be as creative as you want to be! You may add 1/2 teaspoon of powdered eggshells in your smoothie, raw veggie salad, oatmeal, yogurt, cereals, stew and soup. It has no taste or smell so it won’t affect your favorite treats in any way.

Here are some of the amazing health and beauty benefits of powdered eggshells:

Teeth Strengthener
Did you know that up to 93% of eggshells are made up of calcium? This is the reason why turning eggshells into fine powder and adding some of it to your favorite meals or beverages can help make your teeth really strong. If you care about your smile, refrain from wasting those calcium-rich eggshells.

Osteoporosis Preventer
The softening and weakening of the bones is known as osteoporosis in the world of medicine. Your risk of developing osteoporosis increases as you age, making you more prone to having fractures in the future. The best time to prevent this bone condition from happening is by strengthening your bones today. A great way to do so is by incorporating powdered eggshells in your diet! You should also have well-balanced meals, exercise regularly and quit smoking.

Muscle Protector
Earlier, it was mentioned that eggshells contain certain types of amino acids, which are actually building blocks of proteins. This is the reason why the consumption of powdered eggshells can help not only in building muscles, but also maintaining them. By the way, calcium is also important for the proper functioning of the nerves.

Heart Defender
According to the experts, calcium is important for lowering the blood pressure. Powdered eggshells also contain potassium, a mineral know to help relax the walls of the blood vessels, thus causing high blood pressure to drop. With reduced blood pressure, your risk of heart disease becomes lower.

Complexion Beautifier
These days, you can easily get your hands on exfoliating creams and gels. However, many of them come with steep price tags, not to mention that some of these products contain harsh ingredients. Sprinkling some powdered eggshells on your favorite facial or body wash can help in removing excess dead skin cells, allowing your complexion to glow.

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