
New Survey: Most Women Are NOT Satisfied With Their Sex Lives

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Sex Survey: National Women's Health Week
We're urging women to make their health—all aspects of their health—a priority. This includes sexual health. 
According to a recent survey, not only are 80 percent of women putting their health last—after their children, spouses and even pets—but 62 percent of women admitted to not being satisfied with their sex lives. 
Sexual satisfaction, despite what some may think, is part of overall health. The benefits of sex go way beyond the obvious. Sex can boost your immunity and mood and decrease your stress level. Reaching an orgasm increases the benefits of sex even more, thanks to the release of the oxytocin and endorphins it triggers. These feel-good hormones contribute to relaxation, warmth and closeness, as well as helping fight pain and depression
With all of these great health benefits, it's great to hear that 41 percent of women claim to always have an orgasm during sexual activities. But it turns out they themselves are mostly responsible for their sexual satisfaction and reaching climax, not their partners. 
Here is how it breaks down: 
  • 62 percent of women always orgasm during masturbation
  • 34 percent of women always orgasm during oral sex
  • 27 percent of women always orgasm during intercourse where the penis enters the vagina
  • 26 percent of women always orgasm during genital touching
So, what's the issue? Sexual satisfaction isn't just about having an orgasm, it's about the closeness and connection it brings with your partner. And, according to the survey, 60 percent of women want more intercourse. 
"The good news is women are having sex and want more!" said Nancy Berman, a nurse practitioner  specializing in women's health care at The Millennium Medical Group, PC, a division of Michigan Healthcare Professionals. "It's important that women listen to their bodies and talk to their health care providers to find solutions for the underlying issues that can impact their sex life." 

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