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cozy-orange-yoga-sweater-300x200Six seemingly healthy daily rituals that you need to change
The commercials sold you to the hand sanitiser and the bottled water. But are they really good for you? Experts argue not. Turns out several of the habits we have cultivated over the years, from being wary of germs to brushing teeth after every meal are not only unnecessary but could actually rob us of good health in the long term. Read on to find out how.
Brushing after meals
Obsessed with your pearly whites, you have taken to brushing your teeth after every meal. But your mommy told you only to brush your teeth twice a day — before breakfast and before bedtime. Turns out she was right.
Dental experts say that rushing to the bathroom immediately after a meal is not good for your teeth. The breakdown of food in the mouth leaves an acidic residue which weakens the enamel the protective layer on the teeth. Brushing the teeth when the enamel is weak, can strip the enamel permanently, causing tooth sensitivity.
Instead: It’s a good idea to wait for at least an hour after the meal before reaching out for the toothbrush. If you must dislodge food particles that remain after eating, rinse your mouth with water.
Using the hand sanitiser
Do you have a habit of reaching out for the hand sanitiser each time you touch the handle on the train, especially after the last person to hold it was a noticeably sweaty commuter? You might be doing yourself more harm than good.
While hand sanitisers are a convenient method of cleaning hands and getting rid of germs, it’s important to use them properly. According to a research conducted by University of California Davis, US, most hand sanitisers contain a chemical called triclosan which gets absorbed easily by the skin. As it enters the blood stream, it disrupts cell communication necessary for muscle coordination. Long term use can leave the skin dry and cause problems such as infertility, early puberty and poor heart function.
Instead: When possible, use the time-tested method of washing your hands with soap and water.
Ditching weights for cardio
Nothing is as good as a run or swim in the morning. Especially if compared to lifting weights at the gym. While this could work if your aim is just to stay fit, if you plan on losing weight, you need to stop being exclusive with the cardio.
The body gets accustomed to the same type of exercise and stops burning calories. Celebrity trainer Satyajit Chaurasia says including some weight training along with cardio is the fastest way to lose weight and gain muscle mass alongside. “Alternating between cardio and strength training keeps the heart rate up while also giving the whole body a workout. It keeps the body in shock and doesn’t let it get used to a particular type of routine, where burning calories becomes stagnant.”

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