
12 Ways Water Works To Boost Health And Beauty

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From drinking it to diving into it, water is essential for optimum health. Here are 12 reasons humble h20 is the key to better skin, a sharper mind and a renewed lightness of silhouette! 

12 Ways Water Works To Boost Health And Beauty
1. Water Aids Weight Loss
Drinking water prior to a meal has been shown to satiate the appetite, and, therefore, prevent overeating.
2. Water Puts A Spring In Your Step
Muscles need hydrated cells to function at full capacity, so by ensuring you drink water first thing in the morning, you are sending a wake-up call to your extremities to get up and go!
3. Water Is The Cheapest Anti-Ager 
If the acid mantle of the skin becomes imbalanced by a lack of sufficient water consumption, healthy skin-plumping cells within the epidermis can shrivel causing skin to appear lined and lacklustre. Start drinking up to two litres of water a day -today - and you will be amazed at how much plumper the complexion looks in just one week.
4. Water Helps Prevent Bloating
Drinking water reduces the burden on kidneys and liver our poor diets can cause. By drinking water, you are helping to flush waste through the body and prevent constipation and bloating.
5. Water Can Be Eaten
Can’t stomach too much water? Ensure your diet is rich in hydrating foods such as watermelon, strawberries and vegetables such as cucumber and various lettuces.

6. Water Gives Cellulite A Shove
A sluggish metabolism can lead to many things - including cellulite! Get your body firing with a morning glass of warm water with a squeeze of lemon before breakfast. This will ensure your body is up and running even before you are! 
7. Water Aids Endurance
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Whether it’s a long day at the office or a marathon effort exercising, water is an essential aid you can have close by to help keep the mind and muscles hydrated and performing at their sharpest capacity.
8. Water May Ward Off Cancer
A link has been found between coronary health and water intake with a lower risk of death from coronary disease being tracked back to a higher water intake. Similar studies have formed a link between poor heart health and the intake of soda and juices.
9. Water Makes For A Better Workout
The more you sweat, the more water you need. But don't leave it until your cool down. The best bet is to drink a few glasses of water at least half an hour before exercising so you begin your workout hydrated and ready for the water loss (through sweat) that will ensue. 
10. Water Boosts Positivity
Researchers have dived into the benefits of swimming and found that it can prove meditative and uplifting for those suffering from depression. Drinking water can also promote positivity as even minor dehydration can impact poorly on the brain.
Image result for 12 Ways Water Works To Boost Health And Beauty11. Water Need Not Be Tasteless
To add some zing to your drop, don’t reach for the sugary electrolyte options; go for a DIY option instead. A 1.litre of water can become far tastier – and hydrating – with a squeeze of lemon and a pinch of salt and brown sugar.
12. Water Can Curb Cravings
Dehydration is often confused for hunger, so next time you are feeling peckish and prone to snacking, drink a large glass of room temperature water and wait 20 minutes. You will no doubt forget the food you thought you so needed!

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