
Natural And Effective Remedies For Epilepsy

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Epilepsy, a specific type of neurological disorder, causes repeated seizures or fits that comes without any warning. As you may know seizures occur when the neurons in the brain suddenly begin to behave erratically and send wrong signals at abnormal pace resulting in dysfunction like sudden burst of jerking movement. Such episodes may last for a short period to longer period depending upon the intensity of the seizure. It may shake entire body violently in some people while others may just experience shaking in only a part of their body. Some may become unconscious while others may be in conscious state of mind till a particular episode of seizure last.

Although the exact causes of epilepsy are still unknown, however, experts believe certain factors such as severe head injury, family history, diabetes, brain tumor, very high fever, brain functions and prenatal brain development problem may cause this condition.

The following counter medications are available for the treatment of epilepsy, but it is highly advisable to consult your doctor before trying anything new.

Garlic : 
Widely popular for its health benefits since ancient times, garlic has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties that are great for promoting smooth functioning of the nervous system by destroying the free radicals. Regular intake of garlic can help prevent seizures and other symptoms associated with epilepsy
How to use:
Mix half cup of milk and half cup of water, now add 3 - 4 small slices of crushed garlic and boil to make it Thicker. Strain the milk and drink the mixture daily to improve your neurological health.

Basil :
It can be used as an effective remedy to reduce the episode of fits and seizures as it helps stimulate your brain and strengthen the nerves.
How to use:
Take a few fresh basil leaves and extract juice from them. Drink the juice thrice a day regularly. You can also chew 3 - 4 leaves of basil on daily basis.

Grape juice is also very effective in preventing epilepsy symptoms due to high contents of flavonoids in it. Besides it is a good source of potassium and magnesium which plays major role strengthening the nervous system, boosting your immune system and relaxing the nerves in the brain.
How to use :
Drink a glass of fresh grape juice on regular basis to perk up your overall health and minimize the episodes of seizures.

Epsom salt :
Epsom salt contains magnesium sulphate which is considered good for nerve health. It only minimizes the episodes of seizure by improving the functioning of the nerves, reducing stress and removing toxins from the body.
How to use :
Take a glass of water or orange juice and add one tsp. of Epsom salt to it. Now drink this solution everyday to ease the symptoms of epilepsy. You can also take a bath with Epsom salt once a week for added benefit.

Lime :
Limes are another effective remedy that helps ease the epilepsy symptoms. Lime works by enhancing the blood circulation to the brain. Besides, it also normalizes calcium absorption that can hinder the proper functioning of the brain
How to use :
Drink a glass of fresh lime juice after adding half tsp baking soda everyday, preferably at bed time.

Omega-3 fatty acids :
As you may know, omega-3 essential for brain and nerve health. Therefore, include fish & nuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet.

Coconut water :
Coconut water is not only refreshing, it is also loaded with electrolyte, vital minerals and water which are essential for promoting better neuron health and proper functioning of the nervous system.

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