
What Is Your Face Telling You?

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Health problems inside our body are reflected on the outside through our skin. Face mapping is  a form of skin analysis wherein the facial landscape is divided into fourteen zones. Each zone is examined thoroughly to give an insight to different underlying problems associated with each zone. It will not only treat the skin blemishes but it could also treat the underlying health problem that could have caused such skin problems as well

Here are some examples of what you might find in each zone;

Zone 1; 3- the forehead; the digestive system and bladder

Breakouts in the forehead suggest poor digestion & a build of toxin in the bladder. It means that you need to improve your diet by eating more whole food, and elimination by drinking more water.

Zone 2-between the eyebrows ; liver

Congestion in this zone are relating to over consumption of alcohol, rich food and possibly food allergies such as lactose intolerance. Try reducing the excess intake of alcohol and fatty foods so as to give your liver a chance to relax since these types of food are hard to process for the liver.

Zone 4; 10- ears; kidney

The ears can be associated with the kidneys. If the ears feel hot or if it’s breaking out, this could mean dehydration. Make sure to drink plenty of water and cut back on salt and dehydrating foods such as caffeine and alcohol.

Zone 5; 9- upper cheeks; respiratory system 

Problems in the form of congestion, puffiness, spots, or broken capillaries in the upper portion of the cheeks suggest respiratory distress. Even though you’re not a smoker, your respiratory system is still under constant attack from various forms of air pollution leading to the problems in the upper cheek areas. Try to maintain good health and get plenty of fresh air to keep your respiratory system functioning in optimal condition.

Zone 6 ; 8- eyes; kidneys 

The eyes are also indicative of kidney problems. Conditions such as dark under-eye circles, although most often hereditary, may worsen due to dehydration and poor elimination. Make sure to drink plenty of water and cut back on salt and dehydrating foods such as caffeine and alcohol.

Zone 7- nose; heart 

Your nose can be linked to your heart. Redness and swelling or bulbous changes of the nose may either indicate high blood pressure or the early stages of rosacea. Try to change your diet into something that would lower your cholesterol such as by replacing “bad” fats with the “good” fats found in Omegas 3 and 6 in nuts, avocados, fish, and flax seed. Reduce your salt intake and eat more fruits and vegetables which are good for your heart and help lower your blood pressure.

Zone 11 ; 13- lower cheeks or jaw line ; mouth and/or ovaries 

Poor dental hygiene, especially those involving the gums, is often reflected by blemishes in the jaw line. Regular brushing and flossing, as well as avoiding sweet foods, could help relieve the lower cheeks of blemishes. Women may also experience break outs in this area during or prior to menstruation.

Zone 12- chin; hormones and/or small intestine 

Breakouts in the chin are often related to hormonal imbalance, possibly due to stress. Problems in the chin are also indicative of poor diet since the chin is linked to the small intestine. Adopt a healthier diet rich in fiber, fruits, and vegetables to promote healthier digestion, and learn to regulate your sleep and meal cycles.

Zone 14- neck; adrenal stress and/or illness

Redness of the neck could indicate adrenal stress. Breakouts could indicate that the body is fighting bacteria to prevent illness. Make sure to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meat while avoiding unhealthy foods. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly.

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