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5 Proven Secrets On How to Grow Long Hair Naturally

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The pride of every woman apart from virginity is her hair and that’s why every woman gives high priority to the care of her hair. It is the same hair that adds to the beauty of her looks and mostly, men are even attracted by it. Most women especially in the western world have natural long hairs as statistics shows when compared to their African counterparts. In Africa especially in Nigeria, the sale of wigs, attachments and its likes have been used as a substitute to fake a long hair.

While we are not opposed to that fact, it should be worth knowing that apart from genetic transfer from parent to offspring, having a long hair is naturally possible. Though it might take time but the end result has been proven as the best way to grow long hairs naturally.

Below are 6 natural ways to grow a long hair:

Add Fish In Your Diet

You should be aware that a good diet affects the body positively, same applies to the hair. The inclusion of fish or its supplements helps the hair to grow long due to its rich source in protein. For you to have longer, healthier and faster growing hair, you absolutely need to eat fishes that have Omega-3 Fatty Acids. Fishes like Salmon, Clams, Halibut, Shrimp and Titus possess such.

When you start taking such, you might not notice a big difference for a few weeks. But towards the end of that month you will notice that your hair is easier to manage and healthier. You might even see some extra growth.

Drink Enough Water

Yes, you heard right. Drink enough water as it is the number one hair natural moisturizer that is unequalled. To get that desired long hair, it is essential that you drink lots of water each day, not only to wash your system or quench thirst but to keep the hair moist for growth. It would be a good idea if you can drink 7 glasses of pure water each day.

Avoid Highly-Chemical Hair Products

Out of desperation, most girls apply chemicals just to get a long hair quickly .If you apply harsh chemicals on your hair while trying to “get that beautiful long hair”, you would be actually working against your hair and your beauty goals. A major secret on how to make your hair grow longer is staying as simple and natural as possible.

With the influx of so many misleading adverts on having long hairs, most women forget that natural hair products exist. Products like olive oil, coconut oil, grape seed oil etc, are all in the market and can be of great help to getting a natural long hair.

At the end of a shower, Rinse with Cold water

This really does help to grow hair and keep long hair healthy for longer. Cold water lays down the outer layer of hair more smoothly, which helps prevent moisture loss, snags and heat damage. You would only need to do it for a few seconds, but this one extra step over time can make a huge difference.

Avoid Blow Drying Your Hair

Due to the heat emitted from the blow dryer, it becomes bad for your scalp and hair. It dries off the moist on the hair, which weakens the hair and causes hair removal. It is healthier to air dry your hair than blow drying, even if it takes more time.

Finally, apart from hair creams made from natural sources, we also strongly advice against the use of surgery or any other artificial means to grow the hair because it might have adverse effects.

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