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5 Important Things Women Want Men To Know About Dating

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Dating has never been a walk in the park. Both partners have their set of expectations, issues, and also needs from the relationship. Considering the common notion that women are twisted and complicated, we are going to make it easier for men by telling them a few things women want their men to know.

So mister, here is your Bible.

1. Sincerity is a turn on

Superficial tactics like trying to impress a woman with flattery and using cheesy lines, are only going to work for a short while.Nothing can give her butterflies in her stomach like when you actually try to woo her by being yourself and showing genuine love and concern. It’s all about being sincere.

2. Shopping is her favorite activity

You may hate it, but your girl loves to go shopping with you. No matter how annoyed you are by her repeated questions about how she looks in ‘this’ dress or ‘that,’ you need to keep your cool and continue to humor them. Because she will definitely humor you when you want to take her to a cricket match – of which she may know neither head nor tail, or watch an action flick – of which she may not be a fan.

3. Sex does not end as soon as you climax

This is supremely critical. There should be cuddling after sex (most women love it). Do not leave immediately or go to sleep. Spend intimate time together in bed, and also make sure that you subtly acknowledge it the next morning. She will fall for you all over again.

4. Make that call and make it fast

If you said you’d call back, do not waste time. The whole wait-for-two-days-before-giving-a-call thing is too out-dated. Nobody has the time to linger around and wait. A woman can move on too quickly if you do not act. So call back immediately. That’s sexy right there, and lets her know that you keep your word.

5. Looking presentable is a good thing

The woman might not explicitly spell it out, but she wants her man to look good; maybe even better than her. Women do not give two hoots about coming from the ape family: so do not look like the little ape in you. Wear well fitted clothes, if you do not know what that means, then get the girl to shop for you. Stay fit and healthy, and practice clean habits. Even the most unhygienic girl wants a clean man.

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