Below are 10 kinds of people you may have in your facebook friends list:
1. The Readers: This kind of people are very active on your wall. They will always make sure that they read all your posts. In fact, some of them will visit your wall to read some of your old posts. Their major concern is to read your posts and leave your wall without any action. These people mostly take the largest percentage of your facebook friends. You’ll think they’re not active on your wall but they follow you pass twitter.
2. The Likers: This kind of people will always like your posts. Some of them won’t even bother if the post is rubbish. Sometimes these people won’t read your post to the end before they click like button. They always do this to prove that they’re active on your wall. These ‘likers’ that i’m referring to in this piece are not bots ‘likers’. They’re human beings who genuinely like your posts.
3. The Comments Likers: Some people will neither like nor comment on your posts. They will only like some comments on your posts. This kind of people sometimes like the comments of their friends or people whom they respect. These people mostly show up to like comments whenever you post an argumentative write-up.
4. The Copy and Paste: This kind of people will not like or comment on your posts. They will just copy your posts without giving credit to the author. In fact, they won’t correct any grammatical error that may be in such posts.
5. The Sharerers: These are the people who will make sure that they click share button after reading your posts. Some of these people may not like or comment on your posts but they’ll share it to their wall, groups or friend’s wall. This kind of people are very few in your friends list.
6. The Commentators: This kind of people will comment on your posts. Although, some comments will be useful while some may be useless but their comments will serve as feedback for your posts. These people are very important in your friends list because of posts evaluation.
7. The Errors Pickers: This kind of people will always look for errors or faults in your posts. They’ll not comment on your posts untill they see grammatical errors or faults in your post. Most of these people will correct your errors publicly. Although, it’s not bad to correct friend’s errors but these people won’t comment except they see errors in your posts.
8. The Chat Experts: Some people will not like, like comments, comment or share your posts. They’re only in your list to chat with you. This kind of people are ready to chat with you at anytime even at midnight. Some of them don’t have meaningful reason for the chat.
9. The Help Seekers: This kind of people will only comment on your posts or send message to you when they need your help. In fact, you may not know that some of them are in your list untill they need your help. This is very common for Nigerians.
10. The Ghost Friends: These are the inactive people in your friends list. Although, some of them may not be active on facebook anymore but some are still active. These ghost friends who are still active on facebook will not bother to read your post. They won’t like or comment on your post. In fact, they won’t bother to check if you tagged or mentioned them in your posts. Some of them may truly busy but most of them ignored your posts to tell you that you’re irrelevant to them.
These are my observations since 2008 that i’ve joined facebook. Ladies and Sexually explicit writers mostly have the highest number of ‘likers’ and ‘commentators’. Thanks for reading.
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