
Habits of Highly Sensitive People

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Highly sensitive people can often be seen as weak, but that’s not the case. More often than not, they are stronger than the average human being, and have the capability of letting their protective walls down when building personal and professional relationships. Developing a relationship with someone who is highly sensitive can help you become more in touch with your own feelings  as well as help you see life’s messages that you may be missing. It may take patience to understand the inner thoughts of a highly sensitive person however you should feel honored that they are choosing you to be a part of their life.
1. They think with their heart

They follow their heart’s desire with ease when it comes to thinking ideas through. However, this can become a problem when they leap off the deep end without considering the logistics of a situation.
2. They talk everything out

They need to express their thoughts and feelings freely about everything, in order to feel heard and appreciated. Ironically, highly sensitive people can sometimes have a hard time listening to advice from others due to their sensitivity to words, and can often be offended if the wrong words are used during conversation.
3. They don’t rush through life

They know how to enjoy life’s moments by taking their time with everything they do. The pressure they may sometimes feel from others to hurry along, only adds stress on the relationship at hand, and not the trust that they require. Highly sensitive people enjoy taking in the scenery, and strive to keep stress to a minimum.
4. They appreciate time alone

With being so sensitive, it’s important for highly sensitive people to have time alone to decompress. Its amazing how quickly they can absorb any and all negative energy from the people in which surround them.
5. They strive to only do good

They truly want to do great things in this world and put their whole hearts into whatever it is that they are doing. However, they are easily discouraged when the great things they are working on don’t shape up as they had envisioned. Such as an unappreciated homemade gift, and/or gestures.
6. They pay attention to details

They can sometimes over think details to a point of driving everyone around them mad, but their observations usually payoff greatly. They naturally pay attention to the body language and emotions of everyone and everything around them. From nature, to animals, and people, they can predict something is not on point before it’s even been revealed. Such as someone lying about something, a sickness someone may be carrying, a pregnancy, a job promotion, or even a natural disaster!
7. They can give great advice

People who are highly sensitive are great at analyzing situations and offering up the best advice. They love feeling needed and can struggle when that great advise that they had given is not put to good use.
8. They display a tough exterior

Sensitive people tend to display a strong exterior with a stiff upper lip, and can be unknowingly mad at you for months. They may be hurt by something extremely small that you did or said, and will sometimes hold onto it to instead of expressing it, to avoid jeopardizing the chance of hurting you back. They recognize that it’s something they need to work on because of their high sensitivity, not something for you to deal with.
9. They know their worth

Sensitive people know when they are not being valued, and have the strength to walk away from any toxic situation. Others may not understand their reasoning looking at the whole picture, but the build up of bad habits in any given relationship will have them naturally walking away in search for greener pastures.
10. They are well mannered and polite

You can pretty much always expect a highly sensitive person to be aware of their surrounds by showcasing their expert manners. In return, they expect the same politeness and well-mannered behaviors from others, and may see you as rude if you don’t

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