50 Bloggers You Need to Follow on Snapchat
We're obsessed with Snapchat, so here are 50 bloggers with Snapchat Stories we can't stop replaying. Don't forget to follow these 50 awesome bloggers on Bloglovin', and be sure to follow Bloglovin' on Snapchat too (BloglovinHQ)!
Chiara Ferragni, The Blonde Salad
Blog // Snapchat
The Blonde Salad // chiaraferragniCamille Over the Rainbow // camtyoxMan Repeller // manrepellerSea of Shoes // jane_aldridgeFashionsquad // carolinaengmanOracle Fox // oraclefoxblogSong of Style // songofstyleAnine Bing // aninebingTuula // jessicamaysteinGary Pepper // garypeppergirlBecause I'm addicted // gerihirschStyle Scrapbook // stylescrapbookBlame it on fashion // blamefashionFashiontoast // rumineelyGarance Dore // garancedoreThe Coveteur // thecoveteurWendy's Lookbook // wendyslookbookBryan Boy // bryanboyShine by Three // shinebythreeA Portable Package // portablepackageNicolette Mason // nicolettemasonGarotas Estupid // asgestupidasPink Peonies // rachparcellGal Meets Glam // galmeetsglamCamila Coelho // camilacoelho88Elonora Carisie // leonoracarisiSincerely Jules // sincerelyjulesWe Wore What // weworewhatZanita // zanitazanitaThe Glamourai // kellyframelThe Chronicles Of Her // chroniclesofherKayture // kristina_bazanMija Flatau // mijaflatau5 inch and up // 5inchandupCollage Vintage // collagevintageFashionvibe // zinafashionvibeBeauty Crush // beautycrushTake Aim // michelletakeaimKenza Zouiten // zouitenkIn The Frow // InthefrowHarper and Harley // harperandharleyThe Chriselle Factor // chrisellelimThe Haute Pursuit// thpsnapsQueen of Jet Lags // queenofjetlagsThe Fashion Guitar // ThefashionguitarNegin Mirsalehi // negin_mirsalehiFramboise Fashion // SrhmikaelaSomething Navy // ArielleCharnasFake Leather // thefakeleatherRaspberry & Rouge // raspberrynrouge
Chriselle Lim, The Chriselle Factor
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